The Value of a Church Logo and Why You Should Protect Yours
When we just put a cross on the front of our building or website, it tells who we believe in, but it doesn’t tell anything about the people inside. If we all decided to use the same cross, how would s
The Value of a Church Logo and Why You Should Protect Yours
When it comes to logos, branding, and name recognition, it seems the world understands why it’s so important for their favorite pair of shoes or beverage to have these things, but not...
Why Your Church Should Have a Blog
Get insights from freelance writer and web strategist Lora Horn about the benefits of having a church blog and how your church can start one. This video also explains the difference between a website
Why Your Church Should Have a Blog
When you saw the title of this post, what went through your mind? I’m already too busy. What would I write about? Who would read it? I have no idea where to start. You’ve got...
Redesigning Your Church Website Part 5 – Understanding CSS
In the bad old days of the web, users had to specify the formatting for every page and item on the page in the HTML tag. This worked, but it led to a lot of repeated code, and it made...
How to Determine Your Church's Brand
This post is an excerpt from Rev. Daniel Ross's ebook The Beginner's Guide to Communicating Your Brand for Churches. Let’s do a quick thought experiment. What comes to mind when you...
The Beginner's Guide to Communicating Your Brand for Churches
Every organization, including your church, has a brand. The key is learning how best to communicate that brand with the community and world around you.
Christ-Focused Storytelling
Stories are a powerful way to communicate and connect. From advertising to our dinner tables, stories saturate our lives. God’s Word is filled with stories, communicating our fallenness...
Why You Must Question the Cultural Orthodoxy
Within any culture there’s a certain orthodox set of ideas that aren’t allowed to be challenged or compromised except at great peril. Some of those are held in common across most, if...
Inspiration or Imitation?
Many people who are active in social media and blogging feel pressure to constantly develop new and exciting content. That pressure can sap creativity, making it hard to come up with...
3 Ways for Churches to Give Thanks on Social Media
Happy Thanksgiving! There is so much for which we have as Christians to be thankful! Despite our best (worst) efforts, God continuously gives us undeserved grace because of Jesus...
5 Tips for Photoshop Newbies
Are you new to Adobe Photoshop? The program might feel overwhelming at first, especially if you aim to be self taught. Trust me when I say that I have been there!
How to Brand Your Ministry
In marketing, most companies come up with a “brand”: a theme that will make their company name recognizable. McDonald’s, for example, has grown their brand so much that the golden arches are...
Church Website Photos—Stock or Original?
One of my favorite things on the Internet is horrible stock photos (seriously, just Google “weirdest stock photos.”). Why would anyone ever need a picture of someone wearing space...
4 Ways to Use Photography in the Church
The phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” has been tossed around for a long time, but it is absolutely true. Pictures have a way of sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings with people that...
8 Helpful Tips for Proofreading
You’ve probably seen one of the many pictures of church signs or bulletins with unintentionally hilarious mistakes. If you are the one preparing your church or school's bulletins and signs, you...
How to Improve Your Church Newsletter Workflow
Church newsletters often include copy from a number of contributors, like the pastor, youth director, and volunteers. Likely, they send all that copy in Word documents. And if you design the...
Simple Steps to Set Your House Style and Brand
Set a house style for my church? Brand my church like it’s a soda or a pair of jeans? But we aren’t selling anything! We aren’t a corporation trying to make a profit. We’re just here to serve!
Top 7 Features of Canva’s iOS App
Canva brings high-quality graphic design within reach for anyone. Their on-trend designs, beautiful stock photos, and easy-to-use interface have made the web application very popular, especially...
6 Designer Tips for Word: Using Themes, Styles & Templates
Microsoft Word gets a bad rap when it comes to design tools. When you think of designing in Word, do you see pixelated clip art and hot pink Comic Sans? Thankfully, it’s not 1999 any more! While...
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