How to Rank Your Church on Google with SEO
Have you ever wondered how Google knows what websites to suggest when you look something up? It’s called SEO—search engine optimization—and it helps users find a website by improving its...
7 Steps to Build an Effective Fall Communications Plan at Your Church
I love heading into a new season (or month or week or even day) with a plan, knowing what needs to be tackled and when I'm going to do it. When that doesn’t happen (a fair amount of the...
Five Skills Needed to Manage a Great Church Website
In 1997, back in the dark ages of the internet, I wrote my first website. I wrote it, but I didn’t publish it because, honestly, I didn’t know how. It wasn’t a great website, but I was...
Evaluating Social Media Opportunities for Church Communications
It’s so tempting, isn’t it? It’s new, it’s exciting, and it seems to be quite effective at doing the job. Plus, the price is right. Sure the old one was working just fine for you, but...
Personalizing Communications through Content Mapping
“What’s your favorite color?” As adults, we typically do not ask each other this, but for kids, it is an especially important question. My four-year-old daughter has a knack for both...
Using Journey Maps to Identify Next Step Communications
Admit it; you’ve done this before too. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I’m at a restaurant having a meal with my family. The server brings the food out, distributes the dishes to each...
The Proper Use of Personas and Lists in Church Communications
This past Sunday, my church, along with many other congregations, observed Good Shepherd Sunday. While not an official holiday in the Church Year, it has been historically called that...
Ministry Goals: Defining Your Purpose [Webinar Recording]
Or are you just pursuing communication tactics? In other words, do you feel like you are communicating without a singular purpose? Church communicators are given are hard task. They are asked to shar
The Importance of a Strategy over Tactics in Church Communications
One of my favorite board games to play when I was a kid was a two-person game called Stratego. The goal of Stratego is to capture the flag of the opposing player while protecting one’s...
Evaluating Your Church Office for Improvements
When I started as a church office administrator, one of my first projects was to update member records in a spreadsheet. As I sat typing, I remember thinking, “There must be a software...
Sharing the Gospel and the Lutheran Faith on Your Website
Sociologists maintain that you can learn a lot about looking in people’s medicine cabinets. In the same vein, I believe a narthex tells a lot about a congregation. When I visit a...
Creating a Communication Plan for a Large Project
Nothing will stop a project faster than a lack of communication. To fill the gap, misinformation will quickly spread. This will lead to ever increasing amounts of frustration from...
Personalize Your Church Communication
We’ve all gotten them . . . the well-meaning envelope trying to notify us about an important upcoming event or to make sure we’re aware of the can’t-miss deal of the century. And you...
Setting Your Church’s Communication Priorities for 2019
Happy new year! For many, on a personal level, a new year means quitting a bad a habit, starting a good habit, making new goals, being more intentional about everyday tasks, and...
Communications for Last-Minute Church Events
Hear from Stacy Yates live as we chat with her about best practices for communicating about last-minute church events.
Communications for Last-Minute Church Events
Whether they’re potlucks, special voters’ meetings, or trunk-or-treats, last-minute events are bound to happen (sometimes more often than we would like!). The idea of driving attendance...
Why Your Church Should Have a Blog
Get insights from freelance writer and web strategist Lora Horn about the benefits of having a church blog and how your church can start one. This video also explains the difference between a website
Why Your Church Should Have a Blog
When you saw the title of this post, what went through your mind? I’m already too busy. What would I write about? Who would read it? I have no idea where to start. You’ve got...
Following Up with Visitors without Seeming Creepy
Get insights from Rev. Bill Johnson about how your church can reach out to visitors while still respecting their privacy. This video covers what assimilation is and highlights three essential tools to
Following Up with Visitors without Seeming Creepy
Read any number of books on church organization and evangelism, and you’ll hear some common goals. Visitors should feel at home. They should be comfortable finding their way around....
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