
  • How to Modernize Your Church Directory

    How to Modernize Your Church Directory

    Church directories have been an important part of churches’ communication strategies for many years. While they’ve evolved over time, their purpose is still the same: to collect your...

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  • Church360° June Unite Overview Webinar39:10

    Church360° June Unite Overview Webinar

    Unite is the ministry-focused web builder for small to midsized churches. Today we talked about how to create a basic Communication Strategy for your church, and how to implement it with our church w

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  • How to Design an Eye-Catching Banner for Your Church Website

    How to Design an Eye-Catching Banner for Your Church Website

    What’s the first thing you see when you go to your church website? It’s likely some sort of image with text or your logo over it. This graphic is called a website banner, and it’s a...

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  • Sharing Your Church's Easter Stories on Your Website57:56

    Sharing Your Church's Easter Stories on Your Website

    Easter brings together a congregation unlike any other time of year. This is the season for meaningful connections and sharing the Good News with your community. Our church website builder, Church360°

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  • Easily Design Your Church Website with Church360° Unite1:04:22

    Easily Design Your Church Website with Church360° Unite

    Learn how your church can easily and quickly design a website with Church360° Unite. Peter Frank walks through the basics of Church360° Unite and describes all essential functionality. This webinar to

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  • Five Skills Needed to Manage a Great Church Website

    Five Skills Needed to Manage a Great Church Website

    In 1997, back in the dark ages of the internet, I wrote my first website. I wrote it, but I didn’t publish it because, honestly, I didn’t know how. It wasn’t a great website, but I was...

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  • Building Landing Pages That Help You Achieve Your Goals

    Building Landing Pages That Help You Achieve Your Goals

    In my last post, I laid out what landing pages are and why they are important in communicating to your target audience. I wrote about how the retail industry uses landing pages, and...

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  • Introduction to Landing Pages

    Introduction to Landing Pages

    Landing pages. Maybe you have heard of them before, maybe you haven’t. Maybe you know all about them, maybe you don’t. Landing pages are not new, and we have all been sent to one, whether...

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  • Embedding Videos into Your Church Website

    Embedding Videos into Your Church Website

    I love how diverse our churches are. Of course, we all have the Gospel in common, and we also share many similar rites and ceremonies, but the way we dress, the type of music we use, and...

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  • Sharing the Gospel and the Lutheran Faith on Your Website

    Sharing the Gospel and the Lutheran Faith on Your Website

    Sociologists maintain that you can learn a lot about looking in people’s medicine cabinets. In the same vein, I believe a narthex tells a lot about a congregation. When I visit a...

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  • Basic CSS for Your Church Website

    Basic CSS for Your Church Website

    Once upon a time, when the web was young and HTML was new, each web page was its own self-contained piece of content. All of the content and formatting that was required for that page...

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  • Video File Types: Recommendations for Church Websites

    Video File Types: Recommendations for Church Websites

    One of the greatest blessings we have as a church is that we have such amazing ways to share our faith. In the past, information and stories had to be passed down orally. Later on,...

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  • Building Websites for Different Church and School Relationships

    Building Websites for Different Church and School Relationships

    Lutheran schools and churches have always gone hand in hand. Martin Luther, all the way back in 1530, wrote “A Sermon on Keeping Children in School,” and he was quite the revolutionary...

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  • Developing a Post-Easter Strategy for Your Church’s Website

    Developing a Post-Easter Strategy for Your Church’s Website

    Spring is in the air, and the church calendar is telling us Easter is almost here. But you’re not worried because you have done all that can possibly be done. The bulletin covers are...

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  • How to Invite Website Visitors to Opt into an Ongoing Relationship

    How to Invite Website Visitors to Opt into an Ongoing Relationship

    Most people think that a website is an end goal for any online effort. But it’s not. The final goal is to let people know they will find Jesus in the Church, and we want them to come...

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  • Balancing Academic and Faith Content on Your Christian School’s Website

    Balancing Academic and Faith Content on Your Christian School’s Website

    In February 2016, my wife and I welcomed our first child into the world. Two weeks later, we were sent into a panic. My wife had recently started a job with a local hospital on an...

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  • Prioritizing Content on Your Church Website for Visitors

    Prioritizing Content on Your Church Website for Visitors

    In the past, the front door of your church was probably, well, the front door. These days, however, the first exposure visitors get to your church is probably via your church website....

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  • Why Your Church Should Have a Blog

    Why Your Church Should Have a Blog

    When you saw the title of this post, what went through your mind? I’m already too busy. What would I write about? Who would read it? I have no idea where to start. You’ve got...

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  • A Basic Lesson in How to Write for the Screen23:41

    A Basic Lesson in How to Write for the Screen

    There are three elements involved in communicating a message: the sender, the receiver, and the message itself. When a message goes wrong, it goes wrong at one of these three places. On the internet,

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  • A Basic Lesson in How to Write for the Screen

    A Basic Lesson in How to Write for the Screen

    Creating a church webpage should be easy, shouldn’t it? Whether we’re talking about a home page, an about page, or a simple blog post—type it up and hit “publish,” right? But if you...

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