Cybersecurity Basics for Churches
At first glance, churches might seem like unlikely targets for cybercrime. After all, why target churches or nonprofit organizations when there’s more money to make by exploiting the...
3 Things Every Church Should Do to Keep Its Data More Secure
In the digital age, it can be overwhelming to hear about data breaches, compromised credit card information, and scams that seemingly run rampant. Unfortunately, churches are not immune...
How to Pick the Right Church Management Software
There’s a good chance that “How to Pick the Right Church Management Software” wasn’t a class you or your pastor took in college or seminary. Every church has its own unique needs, so every...
Church Management Software 301: Fundraising
Fundraising is a hard topic, and I’ll admit at the outset that it’s one I struggle with. The problem is, of course, that it’s so easy to get the perspectives wrong. We can become so intent...
Church Management Software 201: Assimilation
So you’ve made good use of your Church Management Software (CMS), and you have some new prospective members who are beginning to interact with your congregation, perhaps even showing up in...
Church Management Software 101: Prospects
Anytime we set out to talk about ways to manage church members’ information, targeted advertising, or other efforts to use technology in outreach, we need to start from the right...
The Value of Tracking Church Attendance (and How to Do It!)
How Church Management Software Can Help Pastors
I had only been a pastor for a short while at my first congregation. I remember trying to look up families and guessing the ages of their children. I cannot remember if it was for...
7 Hidden Excel Tricks You’ll Wish You Had Been Using Sooner
There are many fantastic tools within Excel that many people have never used. Here are my seven favorite Excel tools that you can start using today. It’s been quite a while since I wrote a
How to Manage Your Church’s Email Lists
Even in the age of social media, email still proves to be more effective than social media when reaching people. In the last five to ten years, email providers, email clients, and...
Maintaining Facebook Privacy as a Church Worker
Last week, I explained several reasons why your church Facebook page should not replace your church website. The last reason I mentioned was that despite Facebook having a huge number...
Securing Your Church's Portable Devices
This excerpt as taken from the ebook Computer Security for Your Church. The mobile revolution has brought with it a number of new security threats. Modern devices can carry...
Computer Security for Your Church
Is Your Church's Technology Safe and Secure?
This expert was taken from the ebook Computer Security for Your Church. When we think about the many ways our churches serve their members, we don’t often think about things like...
How WikiLeaks Changes the Face of Government Transparency
Now that the election is over and the dust is starting to settle, it’s a good time to stop and take a look at how WikiLeaks not only significantly influenced and impacted the U.S....
Protecting Your Family, Your Church, and Your Ministry
The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. 2Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded,...
7 Ways Pastors Are Using Church Management Software
This ebook will go into detail about each of the above topics, giving in-depth information about how Church360° Member's innovative, easy-to-use features can help you manage your church.
I Hate Passwords Too: A Quick Guide to Secure Passwords
I’m not sure anyone likes passwords. They’re clumsy, hard to remember and increasingly easy to crack. There are a few things you can do, however, to make your passwords easier to remember and...
What the Church Can Take Away from the Equation Group Hack
There was some big news last month, and it had nothing to do with the US presidential election or the Olympics. Because of this, it largely went unnoticed by major media channels, but it’s...
The Value of Tracking Church Attendance (and How to Do It!)
Church traditions are funny things. There are some traditions that have been a part of the Church for centuries. There are other traditions that are unique to church bodies or even individual...
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