Are Blogs a Must-Have for Pastors?

October 29, 2015


Halloween is this Saturday! Between drinking pumpkin spice lattes and planning my eight-month-old’s costume (he’s going as a baby Ewok—adorable, I know), I’ve definitely caught fall fever.

But I’m sure you know that October 31 isn’t just Halloween. It’s also the anniversary of the Reformation! It’s the day Martin Luther sparked some major changes in the Church nearly five hundred years ago. 

Why would I blog?

So what does Martin Luther have to do with you having a blog?

Well, in honor of Luther’s “post” that led to a whole lot of change, I’d like to talk about why posting to a blog might be a must-have form of ministry outreach for a pastor. 

Think about the way pastors have been writing to God’s people for centuries.

Remember those letters the apostle Paul wrote to the Early Church? We’re still reading them today. And those ideas Luther posted on a church door? Just think how many shares he would have gotten with a blog . . .

How would I use it?

Maybe you don’t have ninety-five theses, but you could use a blog to deliver sermons to shut-ins, provide commentary on Bible studies, or discuss your views on current events. Blogs are one way to deliver timely, relevant content on your church website.

You could also share existing content such as a great article or video, or you could give young people at your church something better than gossip or another celebrity selfie.

Think of blogging as another form of outreach. It can be both enjoyable and rewarding. Like all ministry efforts, it’ll take some commitment and time, but it’ll be worth it.

By regularly posting to a blog, you can connect with your members, other pastors, and strangers—even when they aren’t inside your church building.

Is it for me?

Prayerfully consider if having a blog can be a positive form of outreach for you. Obviously, blogs don’t replace human interaction, and you can’t (and shouldn’t) rely on blogs to do all your ministry work.

But they are an incredible way to strengthen your connections to your members and forge connections with new people outside of your church’s physical walls. Now that’s amazing!

Blogs can be worth every minute a pastor invests. Why? Because they can, in fact, further ministry.


This blog post is an excerpt from our ebook “Why Pastors Should Blog.” To download this free ebook and get more tips on why (and how!) pastors should blog, click the button below!


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