Church360° Members has recently undergone some updates that simplify the attendance entry process! Read on to learn more about recording event attendance (and recording it on a mobile device too!).
Recording Event Attendance
Event attendance entry has been a core feature in Church360° Members since its conception, and it largely remains unchanged with the latest software updates. You can continue to work on attendance batches without posting them, and decide how to count visitors as well (either as person-records or as a general headcount).
You can view an updated step-by-step tutorial for recording event attendance in this Church360° Members Help Center article.
Please note: When entering attendance on a computer, this feature works best in Firefox and Safari browsers.
Recording Attendance from a Mobile Device
This is the predominant feature in the latest software update. With site infrastructure updates, you can now easily record attendance from a mobile device in a consolidated, streamlined manner! For a thorough step-by-step tutorial, you can check out this Help Center article, but the process is as follows:
- Click the icon to go to Events and click the “Enter Attendance” button.
- Find and select the event and date to enter attendance for.
- Click the names of those who attended the event.
You can filter by marital status, membership, attendance, and other categories, mark who has participated in Communion, and more.
We hope this update is helpful for you and your team! Our developers are always at work to create more efficient solutions for your church-office processes, so stay tuned for future updates.
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