Helpful Tips for Planning Your Church's Lent Communications

February 13, 2023 Katy Crawford


As the season of Lent approaches, your preparations are likely well underway, but it often seems a mountain of to-dos remains as Ash Wednesday comes closer. Here are a few reminders and thoughts as we get ready for this time of repentance and reflection on the life and work of Jesus.

Create a seasonal landing page on your website

This digital homebase should be simple, concise, and inviting. Building a landing page for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter will help members and visitors alike find the information they need to attend services and participate in special events. Be sure to include details such as time, location, and a brief description of things out of the ordinary (i.e. if your congregation gathers in silence on Good Friday or if there’s a meal adjacent to a service).

Schedule social media content

Social media content in Lent can be tricky, as some find it helpful to sign off for the season (more on that in a minute) to turn their attention to devotional practices to focus on Jesus and His work on the cross. For those who stick around, sharing content that points to Jesus and engages followers in reflection can be a great way to share the Gospel. 

When planning content, start with your congregation’s Lenten theme or the assigned readings for the season. Drawing on that, you can batch-create and schedule content for the season or establish an outline to decide what you’ll need to create and share throughout the six weeks of Lent.

Prepare offline or non-social media points of connection

Keeping those who take a step back from digital input in mind, prior to the start of Lent, establish and communicate how those in your congregation can stay informed of what’s going on through print pieces, in-service announcements, or your church website.

From an equipping standpoint, this is also an opportunity to share a Scripture reading plan or devotional resource intended to fill the time many will be taking off of social media.

Recruit extra support

For those who work in the church, Lent comes with additional worship services and events which add to the general workload. This is a great time to involve members in behind-the-scenes and administrative tasks. Start by making a “brain dump” list of the impending work. Think about things like proofreading, printing and stuffing bulletins, live stream operations, website updates, and set up for special services. Share the opportunities for service through your communication avenues, but also make individual appeals to folks who you think are best suited and available.  

Be intentional about your own devotional practices and rest in a busy season

This is a tough one. When our plates are full, pushing aside our own spiritual nourishment can be an easy way to find a few more minutes for productivity. Scheduling even a short time for prayer and Scripture reading is beneficial, as God comes to us and sustains us through His Word. Stepping away from our computers and to-do lists to rest reminds us that, ultimately, we are not in control—God is.

Look to Easter and beyond

In your communication planning, don’t forget to include Easter services and events beyond the holiday, especially keeping in mind those who are not regularly a part of congregational life. There is great opportunity to meet people when and where they’re looking to be spiritually connected.

Rest in Jesus’ finished work

Whether or not your website has a stellar Lenten landing page, your social media calendar is full of engaging and edifying content, and your bulletins are the picture of proofread perfection, Jesus lived, died, rose, and is coming again. Nothing we accomplish or fail to check off will change what he has done. Know that the good news we’re called to share is for you, too. Rest in His love and grace, friends.

Need an idea to engage visitors using a Lent social media strategy? Try these six social media graphics for your Facebook, Twitter, or other social posts during the season.

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