New Address Trait in Smart Groups

March 9, 2016 Anna Johnson


We’ve added an address trait that allows you to search within a mile radius of a given location, filter addresses by zip code, and find unlisted addresses.

Finding Addresses within a Certain Distance of a Location

To find an address within a certain distance of a given location, first choose address from the drop down list of traits. Then set your filters to include your desired mile radius and central location. As you type in your desired location, a map will appear to assist you in your search. When you traits are set, save your group for future use.

Since it is a smart group, the list will automatically update any time members move within your set mile radius. This feature could be useful in planning weekly evangelism visits for your outreach teams!


Filtering Addresses by Zip Code

You can also use this feature to filter addresses by zip code. Simply select the zip code trait from the drop down menu within addresses. Type in your desired zip code and save the group. Use this feature to send targeted mailings or group people together for neighborhood small group ministries.


Finding Unlisted Addresses

The address feature also allows you to quickly find address information for people who may not wish to have their address listed in the church directory. To access this group, simply set your filter to include people whose active address is not listed. These unlisted addresses are also indicated in the profile view with a small lock next to the address name. You may edit this feature within the profile view if a person wishes list their address at a later date.


We hope that these updates to the address feature will make it easier to find people within different neighborhoods around your church!

If you have any questions or comments, please contact our support team at or 800.346.6120.

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