Annual Reports

December 9, 2015 Amanda Lansche


We’ve added an automatically generated Annual Report to Church360° Members! This replaces the denominational report in Members.

Annual Report

Navigate to the Reports tab to find the Annual Report.

The Annual Report is created automatically, based on the data you've already entered into Members. It includes all the information you’ll need to compile an end-of-year report for your denomination.


In the header of the Annual Report, choose the year for your report. On the right, you can select to print it.


The Overview section shows you trends in average weekly worship attendance, total offerings, and attendance of members at all Bible studies events during the chosen calendar year. Each of these show will show whether the numbers are trending up or down from last year.

Hover over each number to delete it from the Overview by clicking on the trash can or to edit the trend by clicking on the cog. Click on the number to see more information in the trend. Click Add Trend on the right to add another trend to the Overview section of your Annual Report.

Membership Demographics

The Membership Demographics section presents three graphs about your membership: race, age, and sex. Hover over each graph to see actual numbers or refer to the list below each graph to see the break down among your membership.

Click the cog on the right to adjust the demographic settings. Here, you can choose the last number for each age range.

These graphs directly reflect the data you’ve entered into Church360° Members, so you'll notice that the “Unknown” category for each graph. Improve the accuracy of your report by clicking on this category and entering the missing information.

Membership Gains and Losses

The Membership Gains and Losses section breaks down all the different ways individuals were added and removed from membership at your church during the past year. Each of these fields is based on a Smart Group that you can view by clicking on the field. The green and red bar graphs visually reflect the data in the list.


The Accuracy section of your Annual Report (previously located on the Reports main page and called “data health”) pinpoints the data that’s currently missing from Members and gives you a grade based on the amount of data available.

By adding this information into the software, you’ll improve the accuracy of the Annual Report, as well as other reports in Members. Use the Accuracy section to directly link to a list of individuals whose birthdays, baptism dates, and confirmation dates are blank.

Join us for an updates training webinar! We’ll cover some of the biggest changes in Church360° Members at the end of 2015 and updates coming up in early 2016.


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