Understanding Your Church Audience | Session 4 - Church Online Communications Comprehensive

June 22, 2017

This video was recorded on Thursday, June 22, 2017 as the fourth session in the Church Online Communications Comprehensive, a 14-week online training course. Every week, an aspect of online communications is shared with practical advice on how to implement a cohesive strategy for your church. This session is titled "Understanding Your Church Audience."

Previous Article
Determining Your Church Audience (Part 1)
Determining Your Church Audience (Part 1)

In my office, on the top shelf of my bookcase, I have a orange and purple acrylic picture frame....

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Understanding Your Church Audience | Session 4 - Church Online Communications Comprehensive
Understanding Your Church Audience | Session 4 - Church Online Communications Comprehensive

This deck was shared on Thursday, June 22, 2017 as the fourth live training session in the Church Online Co...