When it comes to your church communication plan, there are many formats to utilize. Most often, people think of email, bulletin announcements, and social media. But Programmable Voice Messages can be an absolutely crucial and necessary addition to your overall communication strategy!
This communication format has many benefits and uses, particularly within the church. Let’s dive into the definition, benefits, and uses of Programmable Voice Messages in your church communication plan!
What Are Programmable Voice Messages?
Programmable Voice Messages are automated audio messages, like phone calls, sent via software. You can record them yourself, and then send them to your contact list’s phone numbers.
You might have heard them termed “Voice Blasts” before. We prefer the phrase Programmable Voice Messages to place the focus on intentional communications, not blasting content to everyone.
This feature isn’t commonly utilized in church communication plans, but it can be incredibly helpful!
Why Send Programmable Voice Messages
Programmable Voice Messages can play a crucial role in your church communication strategy, especially when it comes to sending urgent messages or messages that could stand to be more personal and be heard through a human voice.
We’ll dive into more specific examples later, but just know that you should be using this type of communication strategically and sparingly.
How to Use Programmable Voice Messages
There are many examples of ways to utilize Programmable Voice Messages in your church communication strategy. We’ve listed out some of the most common ways we’ve seen churches use this feature, but of course, there are endless possibilities!
Inclement Weather Alerts
This is perhaps the most popular and obvious way to use this feature! Last-minute, important updates to your church events require immediate, personal action—and Programmable Voice Messages are the perfect way to let people know as soon as possible about changes.
For example, if your area is experiencing a blizzard on Sunday morning, you might send a Programmable Voice Message to let members know your services are canceled. While members might not check their emails or Facebook at that time, they’re almost certain to answer the phone or listen to the voicemail.
Announcing Upcoming Worship Schedule Changes
You can also use Programmable Voice Messages to announce temporary changes or additions to your worship schedule, such as midweek Lenten services or special Christmas services, or a differing location, such as outdoor worship.
Even though you have likely included these changes in your other church communications, such as email and social media, it can be a nice last-minute reminder.
Fundraiser Campaigns
One of the benefits of Programmable Voice Messages is that you can add a personal touch to sensitive messages. For example, you can record a voice message from your pastor asking for support for a fundraising campaign or capital campaign. This strategy can allow for a human voice and caring tone to avoid any misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the message.
Critical Announcements
For important, timely announcements, utilizing Programmable Voice Messages can be the solution! Perhaps you want to announce that a new pastor has accepted the call to serve your congregation, the closure of an entrance due to construction, or a change in your parking.
Congregational Prayer Requests
Encourage your members to pray for fellow congregants with timely voice messages. Such messages can be useful if you want to communicate a death in the congregation, a health update for a member, or the birth of a new family member!
Be sure you have the individual’s explicit permission to share this sensitive information with the entire congregation. Protecting your members’ data is of the utmost importance.
Welcome Church Visitors
Lastly, you can use Programmable Voice Messages to send a personal welcome to guests who visit your church. Your pastor can thank them for coming and encourage them to take the next steps in the life of your congregation.
How to Incorporate Programmable Voice Messages into Your Communications
Hopefully, you’ve gathered that Programmable Voice Messages can be a great addition to your church communication strategy. And that’s exactly what it should be—an addition or small part of your overall communication plan.
As with any marketing tool, but especially with voice messages, you don’t want to overuse it. Users can experience communication channel fatigue if they get too many communications in one format too often. Switching it up allows people to absorb all information and see its importance.
Here are some common communication channels that churches use:
- SMS (short message service or “texting”)
- Social media
- Programmable Voice Messages
- Physical bulletin boards
Your church communication strategy should be spread across all of these channels, utilizing each for its unique purpose, urgency, and format.
Church360° Members is the only complete Church Management Software with a programmable voice tool. Start your free trial today to expand your church communication strategy!