Ingredients of a Detailed Church Communications Strategy
When I was a sophomore in college, I moved into a dormitory that had previously been used as a fraternity house. There were a lot of things that made it different than a typical dorm,...
Five Skills Needed to Manage a Great Church Website
In 1997, back in the dark ages of the internet, I wrote my first website. I wrote it, but I didn’t publish it because, honestly, I didn’t know how. It wasn’t a great website, but I was...
Evaluating Social Media Opportunities for Church Communications
It’s so tempting, isn’t it? It’s new, it’s exciting, and it seems to be quite effective at doing the job. Plus, the price is right. Sure the old one was working just fine for you, but...
Personalizing Communications through Content Mapping
“What’s your favorite color?” As adults, we typically do not ask each other this, but for kids, it is an especially important question. My four-year-old daughter has a knack for both...
Using Journey Maps to Identify Next Step Communications
Admit it; you’ve done this before too. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I’m at a restaurant having a meal with my family. The server brings the food out, distributes the dishes to each...
The Proper Use of Personas and Lists in Church Communications
This past Sunday, my church, along with many other congregations, observed Good Shepherd Sunday. While not an official holiday in the Church Year, it has been historically called that...
Ministry Goals: Defining Your Purpose [Webinar Recording]
Or are you just pursuing communication tactics? In other words, do you feel like you are communicating without a singular purpose? Church communicators are given are hard task. They are asked to shar
Setting Ministry Priorities in the Age of Technology
At Concordia Technology Solutions, we hold weekly product meetings with members of our marketing, support, and development teams. We discuss what happened during the week and what tasks...
The Importance of a Strategy over Tactics in Church Communications
One of my favorite board games to play when I was a kid was a two-person game called Stratego. The goal of Stratego is to capture the flag of the opposing player while protecting one’s...
How to Livestream at Your Church for the First Time
The COVID-19 has quickly changed almost every aspect of our lives, including our worship lives. Many churches are choosing not to hold worship services in person, but are moving online...
15 Things Every Church Must Have in Its Technology Stack
When I was young, I used to collect and trade baseball cards with the other kids in the neighborhood. The cards we collected were not really worth much money, so whenever I tried to...
How to Find Joy in Your To-Do List
I’m always impressed by a good marketing strategy, and the folks at Netflix have shown once again they know how to market. On January 1, 2019, the day when New Year’s resolutions are...
2017 Churchgoer Giving Study: New Findings, New Surprises
This post was written by Richard Bauer, e-Giving Ambassador for Vanco Payment Solutions, and originally appeared on the Vanco blog. Vanco Payment Solutions is the exclusive e-Giving...
6 Steps to a Comprehensive Easter Communications Plan
Ash Wednesday is just about a week away, which means there are less than two months until Easter. Have you started planning your Easter communications yet? I realize for some churches,...
5 Google Tools You Should Be Using on Your Church Website
Websites have a rather interesting history. At first, they were difficult to create and required a certain understanding of HTML. Then tools were introduced that made it easy to create...
7 Tech Trends for Churches to Watch for in 2018
In the world of technology, it seems to be the trend to make big and bold predictions. Remember when tablets were going to replace all computers? Or when smart watches would be more useful than smart
7 Tech Trends for Churches to Watch for in 2018
I’ve always enjoyed reading the annual blog posts and articles about predictions for the coming year. There’s something fun about seeing if they come true, although I rarely see...
Making the Most of a Quiet Week in the Church Office
Welcome to one of my favorite weeks of the year: the week between Christmas and New Year’s. At Concordia Publishing House, this is a short work-week bookended by two holidays and an...
Easy Social Media for Christmas Week
We’re less than one week away from Christmas—is your social media ready? While Christmas provides some great opportunities for your church to share the Gospel with your community, it...
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